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The sky is no longer the limit

/ von Mahmoud N. | Project manager at AT&S
/ veröffentlicht am 31. August 2022
/ Lesezeit 2 Minuten

🇬🇧 Mahmoud works as a project manager at AT&S and tells you more about his daily work in this Talto Talk. He explains what exactly PCB is and how it unconsciously helps you in your everyday life. Additionally, he shares numerous tips on how to start a career in technology.

This episode of the Talto Talk is all about the topic of managing a sustainable future. You'll find out how to create new products that require less energy to operate and yet are more powerful. 

Talto Talk about project management & development

Quick-Check: CV

  • Studies: Master

    Production Science and Management

  • University:

    Graz University of Technology

  • Job title on my current business card:

    Project manager


Mahmoud, so we can get to know you better, please complete the following 4 sentences for us:

  • My studies were …
    mechanical engineering with a Master’s degree in production science and management.

  • PCB technology is …
    essential, enabler & everywhere.

  • Teamwork means…
    I think the word is self-explanatory, it’s like a gearbox that could ONLY work if the gears, bearings, and shafts are well aligned.

  • These skills will be required in the future…
    Profound technical knowledge (technical know-how) & programming, programming, programming!

Managing a sustainable future

▶️ Mahmoud, tell us more about projects you are currently working on. How do they make the world more sustainable and our life easier?

I am currently working on several products which our customers use to improve the data center and clouds. The new products will need less energy for an operation with a higher performance. So if you ever have fast access to any cloud-based website or application, please remember AT&S.

▶️ What is the fascination with PCB (printed circuit boards) technology?

▶️ How works the development of new technologies at AT&S?

In my department (Technology Development/TD), most of the projects start after the "proof of concept" phase. And in this stage, the products or technologies are developed with customer cooperation. Our customers approach us with designs beyond our capabilities and that’s exactly when our TD team needs to jump in to convert these designs to products by stretching our limits and enhancing our capabilities. The sky is no longer the limit!

▶️ Your daily business is a lot about convincing colleagues. How do you do that?

You need to understand and respect other stakeholders' KPIs (key performance indicators) and perspectives. It is important to always remember that we are one team in the same boat.

▶️ What was your most memorable moment at AT&S?

▶️ Could you use your project management skills for other industries as well? How generalistic or specific is working in technology?

I believe project management skills would be valuable in several industries and services. The KPIs are different for each project but the talent is transferable. On the other hand, working on technologies could be very specific and it differs from one industry to another.

▶️ Want to learn more about Mahmoud? 

In his Graduate Story, you can get even more tips and information about Mahmoud and his everyday work.

Do you want to work in Mahmoud's team and learn more about working at AT&S? Here you can find out which jobs at AT&S are currently available for young professionals.

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